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The RockFall soul is one of the oldest souls around, and there are very few left on earth. Like all souls, they have a dark form, named DarkFall. But unlike most souls, it is very easy for a RockFall soul to become DarkFall. They are also known as the most unstable soul in existence, which makes them totally unpredictable. I discovered that the reason for them being so unstable is due to the high level of black radiation that beamed down on the very first RockFall soul, which permanently corrupted the RockFall soul forever. This may also contribute to why most of them long to be in the past, and to see the dragons for themselves. This is what makes them so vulnerable to persuasion and trickery. I learned for Moloch, a demon, that since RockFall souls are so corrupt and unstable, they stopped being created since December 32, 2006. December 32 was thought to be an error in time, a small split second that divided years from each other. This split second is so vulnerable to programming and suggestion, that a few demons decided it would be the perfect time to cut off RockFall from the rest of the souls. Preforming such a ritual in normal time would have taken many sacrifices and offerings, and days on end of reciting lines from a black magick grimoire. And because December 32 goes by unnoticed by humans, the cut off was totally undetected and unknown to anyone who wasn't told so by these demons. However, RockFall's dark form, DarkFall, is still being created. It is impossible for a dark formed soul to be created without first being in it's normal form, but there seemed to be an error in the ritual that made this possible for the DarkFall soul. There are people now that are being born with a straight DarkFall souls that cannot revert back to RockFall. Since the DarkFall soul still retains the flaws of RockFall, these few people are the most corrupt and misunderstood people on earth. Moloch states that another possible ritual is already planned, and they are only waiting for December 32 to come along again.
